Monday, February 14, 2011

Buttery Sweet Little Buttons of Love

Sables, originally uploaded by riptideredsf.
It's Valentines Day and nothing says LOVE like fresh home baked cookies right?

It was a little over a week ago that I opened up my gmailbox to find that message from Dorie Greenspan, you know that one.  The one about the CookieBar. It starts me up on the Chocolate Chip Cookies. Sometimes that's all it takes to spark an obsession. Then I'm thinking about Sables and I don't even know what a Sable is, all I learn is that the sable is the base of her "Jammers". I madly flip through my Must Make stack knowing theres a sable in there somewhere and ATK to the rescue, and last night did the deed. Sable=Love!

These little French butter cookies don't look like much, but I love how the tops glimmer from the egg white and dusting of sugar. I love that first bite into my Sable. I love that I heard angels softly singing. I love that these remind me of Mexican Wedding Cakes. I love that they're small and easy to pop in your mouth and taste like a little bit of bliss. I even love the over baked batch. I think I was so delirious from the first batch that I forgot to set the timer. I love that it didn't matter.

Before the night was through I'd pretty much tossed back about ten of these.

Today is Valentines Day. I love these cookies. I will find a heart shaped cookie cutter and make these again to bring to people I love.

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