Saturday, November 12, 2011

Serendipity Sliders

Sliders, originally uploaded by riptideredsf.
I love serendipity.There's nothing breakfasty about these li'l burgers. It was really sorta freakin' me out that these little beef patties were cruisin' well past their sell-by date. I woke up thinking about sliders and just had to cook them asap. Last night I sloooooow roasted a sheet pan full of  farmers market tomatoes. Following a process I found in Gwyneth Paltrows cookbook (3-5 hours at 275 degrees), I'd put them in the oven around 8:00 somehow thinking I'd be awake long enough to see them through. By 10:30 they were on their way but still too plump. I turned the oven off and went to bed. When I anxiously woke at the crack of dawn with sliders on the brain, I fired up my cast iron skillet and commenced to cook. I only remembered the tomatoes when I opened the oven door to pop in some buns. Angels were singing. They had finished to a sunken syrupy perfection by the next morning in the residual heat.
I know I've said this before and I say this like there's actually someone out there reading this who gives two hoots but, slow roasted tomatoes are the bomb (thanks GP!). They are soooooo sweet and flavorful and can transform a good sandwich into a great one...a memorable one...a sandwich someone will write poetry about. Chop 'em up and toss them into pasta or on a salad or in an omelette....anyhoo...I digress.
Sliders. ok. these little suckers didn't suck. I topped them with crumbled blue cheese, spread 'em with a little canola mayo and some super sharp dijon and plopped down a slooooooow roasted tomato onto each bun. Absolutely brill! I can only imagine how good they'd be if I'd actually used fresh meat and bread.
I would have never-in-a-million-years thought to have made sliders if it hadn't been for the Fresh & Easy clearance...or unless Smitten Kitchen made some. Now I'm thinking of Turkey Feta Sliders on some kind of mini naan bun...oh! and some mint chutney.
This will keep me up at night.

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