Class of '78, originally uploaded by michele wynne.
Behold the unsuspecting recipients of some little kitchen magic.
A day late for Throwback Thursday, but as usual, I'm a little late to the party. That's just how I roll. The party in question is my high school reunion picnic coming on Sunday. My initial reaction, when the reunion committee tracked me down a few weeks back, was "yeah...as if..." to just quietly pass. But, curiosity got the better of me and I have no reason not to go. I've got the day off and live a bike ride and short BART train away. I was "The Quiet Girl". That phrase turns up a lot in my yearbook.
I started high school a stranger in a strange land.
At this moment, I'm sitting at my favorite table at Simple Pleasures blanketed in the comfort of San Francisco fog. "Lo....Ri....Der" plays on Pandora. Is it me? or has a 70's retro music demon possessed Pandora? I can't remember how many times I've heard "That's the Way of the World" in the last week. I took that as a sign that it would be foolish not to RSVP. Get. Out. Of. My. Comfort Zone.
I finally got my mitts on David Sedaris' new book Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls, courtesy of my public library. My copy of Me Talk Pretty One Day is the most re-read book on my shelf. Whenever I see a copy at Goodwill, I buy it so I can give it to someone. I love his crazy twisted humor and the leaps his mind takes is completely off the rails yet entirely relatable. Whenever I'm into one of his books I tend to ask myself the question WWDSD? when pondering certain situations I find myself in. DS would be all over that HS reunion.
I've got a giant pot of beans in the slow cooker and a pile of pita bread to be baked before I pedal off to work this afternoon. I'm making bean spread. It only just occurs to me that serving beans to a bunch of 53 year olds has some DS humor/disaster written all over it. Good thing were gonna be outdoors.
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