Tuesday, February 7, 2012

cheddar, beer & mustard pull-apart bread

oh good lord. It's taken me forever to get this posted. Smitten Kitchen stopped me in my tracks with This  a few weeks back. I had one of those rare days off where all I wanted to do was spend the day in the kitchen with Sex and the City DVD's playing continuously on in the other room. Over coffee that morning I was checking my email and saw this. I was all set to make cupcakes, having purchased a new set of pastry bags and tips and waaaay anxious to use them. Well, as my ADD tends to roll, I shut down the cupcakes...only temporarily...to run to the store as fast as I could for a bottle of beer, the only ingredient missing from my kitchen. I landed on Newcastle. Brilliant! 
Once I got the the dough rising,I then set about to make the Red Hot Red Velvet Cupcakes. Both butter bombs in the little kitchen at the same time. Neither lasted very long. It was a good day.

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